Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

Fiscal Year Total Salaries Total Teachers Average Salaries Annual $ increase Annual % increase Assistant Teachers
1997 $ 26,813,328 722.0 $ 37,138     71
1998 $ 27,917,098 610.0 $ 45,766 $ 8,628 23% 80
1999 $ 28,699,932 630.7 $ 45,508 - $ 258 - .084% 82
2000 $ 30,639,731 636.7 $ 48,120 $ 2,612 5.7% 79
2001 $ 31,899,452 663.4 $ 48,085 - $ 35 - .01% 94
2002 $ 32,436,357 672.3 $ 48,247 $ 162 .3% 138
2003 $ 36,204,916 649.7 $ 55,726 $ 7,479 15.5% 127
2004 $ 38,040,376 693.3 $ 54,869 - $ 857 - 1.6% 134
2005 $ 39,387,415 693.3 $ 56,816 $ 1,947 3% 140
2006 $ 41,558,639 716.6 $ 57,992 $ 1,176 2.1% 153
2007 $ 42,823,607 694.5 $ 61,666 $ 3,674 6.3% 155
2008 $ 43,754,290 641.0 $ 68,259 $ 6,593 10.7% 159
2009 $ 46,746,105 638.0 $ 73,266 $ 5,007 7.3% 164

73266/37138 = 1.973
1.058^12 = 1.967

5.8% increase per year sustained over 12 years
Miscellaneous Notes
There is no apparent correlation between student head count and teachers. Teacher head count is much more variable than student head count but there are always lots of them.

The notion that it costs the taxpayers $16,000 to educate one child for one year on the average is preposterous and absurd.

From: Weaders@aol.com
To: Frambors@syslang.net
Subject: Re: TM and School Budget
Date: 03/06/2010 02:09:22 PM

The roughly 60/40 allocation is mysterious only to those who are ignorant of its origin.

The allocation is the result of a procedure agreed to in 1995 between the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee, and renewed in 2001. I was a signatory to both agreements.

Roughly, one starts with the available Town revenue, removes fixed and mandated costs such as health insurance, debt service and out-of-district special education costs, splits the remaining money by the historical ratio (also about 60/40), and adds the out-of-district special ed costs back into the school budget figure. The result is the recommended Town meeting appropriation for the School Department.

This has avoided Town Meeting floor fights by establishing a reasonable fund split in advance. It is then up to the School Committee to allocate their allotment.

The FY2011 recommendation at this point is about $1million less than last year, which is about $1million less than the year before.

One side effect is that the teachers salaries do not affect the total Town budget at all. If the School Committee negotiates larger raises, then they can hire fewer teachers out of the fixed fund allotment.

Dick Weader

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com