Every tax is a pay cut.  Every tax cut is a pay raise.

Joseph P Keefe Technical High School
750 Winter Street
Framingham, MA 01702
Also known as the South Middlesex Vocational Technical School
Keefe Tech profile

National Center for Education Statistics

This school for morons is on the cusp of being a complete, total and systemic failure as an educational institution.

The instructors pretend to teach and the students pretend to learn.

The lalaland liberals and neolibs are so giddy about it and claim that it's not an academic school but fail to provide any evidence that it is good at anything that it allegedly teaches. How do you measure an educational institution if all measurements of education are in the failure range.

Now at 45% SPED, but taxpayers will have to make their own decision as to how high this rate should go before they realize that they are being fleeced by the teachers unions using SPED to decrease class sizes and increase their numbers.

Is SPED effective in any way?

Why do we spend proportionately more for students with less potential? $25,000 per year is more than most colleges.

The school's objective here is to maximize retardation capabilities and produce what the politically correct crowd might describe as minimally exceptional students.

Failure is the only option.

Keefe Tech students are generally slower than molasses runing up hill.

AARP could mean Association For the Advancement of Retarded People

Keefe Tech is a school whose's academics have hit rock bottom but I am convinced that the Keefe Tech School Committee with their cocaine addict member will provide the students with jack hammers so that they can continue to dig deeper.

This school should have more slow children signs around it.

School Calendar, note lots of retest dates

Sixty percent (60%) of Keefe Tech students get free or reduced lunch. It's really a welfare school for illiterates, run by highly paid idiots.

Selected Populations by race at Keefe Tech (South Middlesex Vocational School)

Selected Populations by Race/Enrollment by grade

Enrollment by Grade, all schools

Selected Population by language/income

    Total Costs Per Pupil (Detailed View)

    First Language
Not English
Limited English
Low Income Per Pupil Expenditures
Year Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Regular SPED Bilingual
1991-1992   223 30.1 53 7.2     75 10.1      
1992-1993   199 27.0 55 7.5 260 35.3 221 30.0      
1993-1994 724 194 26.8 38 5.2 236 32.6 191 26.4      
1994-1995 710 235 33.1 34 4.8 230 32.4 198 27.9      
1995-1996 731 280 38.3 191 26.1 239 32.7 172 23.5   $14,169  
1996-1997 802 303 37.8 38 4.7 270 33.7 253 31.5   $14,698  
1997-1998 785 217 27.6 41 5.2 308 39.2 192 24.4   $14,903  
1998-1999 780 293 37.6 105 13.5 297 38.1 282 36.2   $15,964  
1999-2000 763 188 24.6 54 7.1 289 37.9 235 30.8   $18,209  
2000-2001 749 243 32.4 84 11.2 291 38.9 233 31.1   $17,251  
2001-2002 760 210 27.6 83 10.9 279 36.7 265 34.9   $17,346  
2002-2003 769 180 23.4 94 12.2 276 35.9 291 37.8   $18,672  
2003-2004 735 132 18.0 60 8.2 305 41.5 279 38.0   $20,103  
2004-2005 744 110 14.8 54 7.3 307 41.3 295 39.7   $20,412  
2005-2006 717 72 10.0 43 6.0 298 41.6 290 40.4      
2006-2007 717 74 10.4 39 5.5 299 42.0 304 42.7      
2007-2008 717 73 10.9 53 7.9 266 39.7 295 44.0      

Year Total Students Teachers FT Employees PT Employees Student/Teacher Ratio Student/FT Employee Ratio
2005 742 86 144 3 8.6 5.1

Profiles (all schools)

Per Pupil Expenditures

Enrollment Numbers (District Code 829)

Year Framingham
($ millions)
Costs ($)
($ millions)
Costs ($)
1990 475 3.379 7,113 745    
1991 515 3.590 6,970 725    
1992 513 3.647 7,109 632    
1993 487 4.139 8,498 624    
1994 505 4.298 8,510 615    
1995 532 4.472 8,406 623    
1996 551 4.767 8,651 728 8.972 14,309
1997 588 5.249 8,926 760 9.569 13,271
1998 570 5.258 9,224 773 10.211 14,261
1999 548 6.067 11,071 767 10.676 14,624
2000 516 6.284 12,178 682 11.470 16,223
2001 516 6.371 12,346 788 11.705 16,211
2002 531 6.359 11,975 781 12.109 15,932
2003 511 6.302 12,332 754 12.564 16,402
2004 534 6.776 12,689 704 12.695 17,342
2005 529 6.792 12,839 706 15.568 22,035
2006 532 6.996 13,150 672 15.937 23,716
2007 532 7.900 13,150 678 16.803 24,772
2008 507 8.188 13,150 670    

If this school wasn't retarded enough, they also hold some interesting evening classes for Framingham residents who wish to learn mostly obvious stuff. These two classes indicate the educational character of this school.

The notion that these courses actually show up in their catalog is stunning and shows the intellectualism ( or lack thereof) of this school. They offer you the opportunity (at a small fee) to learn something that is complete and total bullshit.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com