Every tax is a pay cut. Every tax cut is a pay raise.
Citizens for Limited Taxation

Another stupid 75 year old jew who certainly appears to be mentally deranged who gets all his advice from a burning bush

I wonder if he is circumcised? . Does he indeed have a covenant (Genesis 17) with the god creature?

He lives at 7 Mohawk Drive and his phone is: 508-877-7352

He moved from 52 Eaton Road back in ~2013. One wonders if his new mortgage requires him to be re-employed.

Charlie has claimed on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God.
If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a city wide emergency.
I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.

Both Charlie and Robin Kaye are very proud in believing in something that doesn't exist . It's a major achievement by these morons .

Asshole jews trying to sneak their religious symbol into our schools.

He's a senile, saggy ass seriously stupid septuagenarian who currently collects a very nice retirement as head of Natick DPW. Adding about $190,000 to it would push him close to $300,000 a year. Keep in mind that he has "retired" twice so far. This easily places him in the top one percent bracket . All his income derives from property taxpayers. Obviously, this makes him absolutely insensitive to property taxes in Framingham. A rising tide of taxation lifts all boat.

It's time to send him to the very jewie pastures. He sucks!

He is fully committed to sucking the lifeblood out of each and every taxpayer.

Here is his position paper as Mr. Puffy Face runs for mayor. He's definitely a communist. I see no evidence that this man has ever worked for the private sector. Thus, his income from taxes far exceeds his payment of taxes (Hint: his sensitivity on property taxes simply doesn't exist.) He has always been a public employee and wants to feed the communist FTA to fund his support for his mayoral candidacy.

I like to think of him as a communist pig since his whole career has been as a questionable public service employee in Natick, MA. In my humble opinion, he seems sufficiently well fed.

It is said that it is lonely at the top, but you eat better.

Can someone deflate him a tad!

Too many meals at the Olive Garden with unlimited breadsticks?

Hasn't seen his dick since the Nixon administration.

My Framingham property taxes went up every single year he was a member of the Board of Selectmen and every year he was a councilor.

He states that we need to enhance our revenues but never about increase taxes.

Mr. Puffy Face will also discuss trash collection fees and costs.

Mr. Puffy Face has lived in Framingham's elite District 1 but derived his income from Natick. He is a strong advocate for illegal immigration into Framingham, but only if they live on the other side of the railroad tracks. Who else is going to maintain Mr. Puffy Face's yard or any District 1 yards..

Past performance predicts future performance.

My taxes will go up. So will yours.

His ascendancy to the mayor of Fuckingham creates an interesting problem for judge Jennifer Stark (a jewish princess in her own right) who finds herself fucking the mayor's son, Adam L. Sisitsky , a jewish prince who masquerades as a lawyer. Hmmmm? Pillow talk privileges.

Adam Freudberg, Adam Sisitsky, Adam Steiner. The jews love Adam.

Adam L. Sisitsky has two sons, Jonah and Isaac . It occured to me if God tested Charlie's faith, would he suck Isaac's dick ?

Whenever the church gets in bed with politics, the church gets pregnant, and the offspring does not look like God the Father.

There is something to be said about the convergence of power.

Charles J. Sisitsky exhibits no empathy whatsoever for the Framingham taxpayer. He shows more than subtle dictator qualities. This should be interesting with the city council. Power corrupts!

On August 22, 2002, I attended a Selectmen's meeting where a town meeting member, Tom O'Neil, made a statement to the Selectmen concerning schools. Selectman Charles Sisitsky responded back by snapping back at Mr. O'Neil. This was recorded on cable TV.

Next time, I would recommend that Charles Sisitsky take in a deep breath, count his chins, and then say nothing. If he believes it is his job to go on the attack when citizens complain, then he should get a different job (hopefully in another state).

On October 24, 2002, he told me that I was privileged to speak to the Board of Selectman. I guess it must be a very special privilege to be overtaxed by him.

The notion that he is jewish (Temple-Beth-Am) and donates to the Metrowest Jewish Day school says he might have a lot of missing mental marbles . His imaginary creature wants him to kill me .

Charles J. Sisitsky's day job was being the Director of Public Works ( $87,330 ) in Natick MA. Keep this fact in mind next time you consider voting for him. Like yourself, government employees always ask themselves, how can I get more pay. In the private sector, you have to be innovative and work harder. In the public sector, the thought of raising taxes comes to mind. After all, a rising tide (of taxation) lifts all (public) boats.

I'm going to guess that the motto for Natick's Public Works department is not Dedicated to Excellence in Public Service. Here's an example of his department at work.

Log entries
Charlie Sisitsky has to be financially inept if he runs out of snow removal funds before the winter even begins. He has 300+ years of snow removal to tap on.
Apparently, Charlie Sisitsky is better at generating ethical standards than he is at following them. Apparently, these ethics rules were generated in March, 2003 by the Board of Selectman.
I got a copy of the 1998 Financial Task Force Report and it it clearly shows that the best that Charles J. Sisitsky could do was an operational override.
After Katie's Murphy election to the Board of Selectman, Charles J. Sisitsky took over as Chairman of the Board. One of his first acts was to move public participation from the first item ( 7 PM) on the Thursday night agenda to around 9 PM. He believes that if you want public participation, you should attend the entire meeting.

Of course, a citizen's public participation is limited to 3 minutes each and 15 minutes total for any given meeting. You cannot really participate thruout the meeting.

This is Mr. Sisitsky's special way of telling the citizens of Framingham what he thinks of them. No surprises here.

Charles J. Sisitsky, Christopher C. Ross, and Esther Hopkins show up at the grand opening of Shannon O'Brien's metrowest center in her failed effort to become the governor of Massachusetts.
Earlier in 2002
Charles J. Sisitsky callously votes to place the last override on the ballot.

Sisitsky Campaign Launch Features Sharp Criticism Of Spicer

Three major Framingham elected officials came out in support of candidate Charlie Sisitsky at his official campaign launch Sunday.

Neal McNamara, Patch Staff Posted Mon, May 24, 2021 at 9:16 am ET|Updated Mon, May 24, 2021 at 9:20 am ET

Framingham mayoral candidate Charlie Sisitsky officially launched his campaign on Sunday at an event at the Historic Village Hall along Oak Street. Framingham mayoral candidate Charlie Sisitsky officially launched his campaign on Sunday at an event at the Historic Village Hall along Oak Street. (Patch Graphics)

FRAMINGHAM, MA - Former allies of Framingham Mayor Yvonne Spicer appeared Sunday at Charlie Sisitsky's mayoral campaign launch, underscoring disappointment with the first-term mayor inside the city's political upper echelon.

Sunday's event, held on the steps of the Historic Village Hall along Oak Street, featured endorsements by School Committee Chair Adam Freudberg and state Reps Maria Robinson and Jack Lewis. Each one gave a speech boosting Sisitsky, but also taking time to castigate Spicer.

"I spent the first several years of her tenure urging my friends and neighbors to be patient, to give her time to get her bearings straight, to give the space to do what all great leaders have to do: recognize we do not know everything," Lewis said, noting he voted for Spicer in both the 2017 primary and general elections.

Lewis went on to say Spicer has instead "alienated" her political allies over the past 3-1/2 years, and spent time engaging in "squabbles" with City Councilors.

Freudberg's split with Spicer has been clear for some time. In April, Chief Financial Officer Mary Ellen Kelley emailed school officials days before the budget deadline to order a $1.4 million cut - the sixth schools budget cut since the pandemic began. In response, Freudberg and School Committee Vice Chair Tiffanie Maskell released separate statements condemning the cut

"She arbitrarily cuts the school budget to whatever round number she wishes," Freudberg said Sunday. He added that he worked with Sisitsky on the Fuller project, where they successfully cut the total cost through collaboration.

Robinson named several initiatives she thinks Sisitsky will handle better than Spicer: installing clean energy infrastructure, fixing traffic problems, expanding local trails and outdoor resources - and building a splash pad. Framingham recently lost out on federal help to begin work on the final leg of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.

Sisitsky promised to work collaboratively with other elected officials. He also promised to fix the city's "moribund" economic development department, and make sure residents get answers to questions within 24 hours - a City Hall policy Spicer has not followed, he said.

"My vision for the next four years is a city government that works in a cooperative, innovative and urgent way to increase support in the areas of education, the environment, seniors, pandemic recovery and better government and civic engagement," Sisitsky said.

Sisitsky, 75, has a lengthy record of government service. He was a Councilor during the first two years of city government, and was a member of the former board of selectmen. He also ran Natick's public works department for decades before retiring in 2009. He was also a town meeting member and a MWRTA board member.

Spicer was also a town meeting member, but had no previous electoral experience before winning the mayor's seat in a 2017 race against now-Councilor John Stefanini. She formally announced her reelection bid on May 13.

Sisitsky supporters even drew a contrast between his campaign launch and Spicer's. The mayor's announcement came on a Zoom call with supporters while Sisitsky's was in public

"The only way to go for Framingham and move forward is to come together as a truly diverse community and vote for a proven leader, and that person is Charlie," Lewis said.

Charlie Sisitsky, sworn in as Mayor of the City of Framingham on January 1, 2022, is a seasoned and accomplished municipal executive with forty years of public administration leadership experience. A Framingham resident and homeowner since 1971, Charlie has an extensive record of public service in our community.

While raising four children, all graduates of Framingham public schools, Charlie served on the Potter Road PTO, as a youth basketball coach, on the Town's Finance Committee, and as a Town Meeting member from Precinct Two. From 1998 to 2018, Charlie was an elected member of the Framingham Board of Selectmen, where he served multiple terms as Chairman and also led the Utility Abatement Committee, and the Traffic and Roadway Safety Committee, where he established and helped author the town-wide policy for traffic calming. After Framingham's adoption of its City Charter, Charlie was elected City Councilor from District One, and served as Chairman of the Planning & Zoning subcommittee of the City Council.

Mayor Sisitsky has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from WPI and a master's degree in Community Planning and Area Development from the University of Rhode Island. After completing his studies, he became the youngest City Planner in Massachusetts, serving as the Planning Director for Medford for ten years. He then took over as the Planning Director for the Town of Natick, where he eventually also became the Town's Director of Public Works - a position he held for over twenty years. His tenure in Natick included numerous major accomplishments, such as the redevelopment of Downtown Natick, the planning and construction of "Flutie Pass" (the connector road between Natick and Framingham's major shopping areas to alleviate traffic on Route 9), and the implementation of an innovative town-wide curbside recycling program.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com