Bill Melugin comment

There has been little acknowledgment of the mass asylum fraud taking place at the border.

You'll find discarded and torn up documents all over the ground, including MX humanitarian visas used to get to the border, mixed in w/ cartel wristbands.

The migrants will tell you - on camera - they are here for economic opportunity.

That does not qualify for asylum under US law.

Still, the false narrative exists that the masses of people crossing the border illegally are "asylum seekers".

Are some of them? Absolutely. But the overwhelming majority are coming for economic reasons, and fraudulent asylum claims only
further clog the system and make it more difficult for *legitimate* asylum seekers.

These are some photos I've taken over the years.

We need to totally suspend our asylum obligations until we seal the border.
I don't care if it violates our "international obligations".
We're being taken advantage of every single day by bad-faith actors and it needs to end.

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